الخميس، فبراير 25، 2010

الحب غير المشروط

هل يمكن أن يوجد مثل هذا الوصف للحب فى العلاقة الزوجية بمعنى
- هل اذا اكتشف الزوج/الزوجة ان شريكه به صفات لا يحبها ولم يكتشفها الا بعد الزواج هل يظل يحبه بنفس الدرجة أم لا؟
- هل يكون الحب غير المشروط دافعا للشريك كى يتغير إلى الأفضل أم أن هذا لا يحدث عادة فى الواقع؟

الخميس، فبراير 04، 2010

Be selfish

she's been crying all day in an on/off manner. she doesn't even know why she's crying, is it because he didn't call her all day long? she knows how stubborn he can be even if he's wrong he'll never admit it. she feels so lonely without him but she also feels she's not her self when he's around. He criticizes her all the time and for him everything she's doing is not right.she's always afraid of what he'll react to this and what he'll say about that. she bought him a new toothbrush but she never get it out of the drawer, it might not be the brand he's using, can you imagine that. After being tired of crying she decided to stop and do something that might change her mood. she just wanted to give her mind a break. she prepared a nice cup of coffee and got a piece of dark chocolate and sat in front of TV, Meg Rayan her favourite star was playing a role in a film called "the woman". The nice thing about the film is that there was no men in it. all were women, which was very good for her mood.Meg Rayan was playing a role of a wealthy wife who discovered that her husband is having an affair, she thought she did everything to make him happy but this wasn't just enough for him. Another woman advised her" be selfish, ask yourself who are you? and what do you want?". It appaers that we as women shouldn't give everything without stopping just to ask ourselves what we take in return. Men tend to take things you do as granted and they turn you into something they use to achieve their goals. After watching the film she realized why she's crying. Maybe she loves her husband but they lack a common vision and he's so selfish that he never stop to accept her as she is, he wants to turn her into someone else. with time she won't be a free spirit as she always felt.
أعتذر لقرائى عن الكتابة باللغة الانجليزية ولكنه ما أردت أن أفعله وأنا اليوم أريد أن أشعر بأنى حرة أفعل ما أريد وأكون كما أريد. أنا أحب لغتى العربية ولا أتجاهلها أبدا كما اننى خريجة مدرسة عربية حكومية عادية ولكنها مجرد خاطرة فأرجو أن تتقبلوها منى

الثلاثاء، فبراير 02، 2010


بماذا يمكنك أن تصف عالم التدوين؟
1. الديمقراطية التى نفتقدها فى عالم الواقع
2. نوع من الفوضى الخلاقة
3. عالم لا يكذب ولكنه يتجمل
4. أخرى (صفها بكلماتك )
فى انتظار اجابتكم
(التى أرجو أن تكون حرة بدون أية تحفظات)